Tuesday, June 30, 2020

My Mumm'y's Home Cooked foods at home (June Season) 我妈咪的家常便饭

Here are some of the dishes that my mum has cooked during this month June at home. I love my mum's homecooking foods and  my mum able to cook such nice yummy dinners for me and my dad to eat every night!


煎沙爹, 超好吃的! Pan-fried Satay^^

我妈咪煮了一桌好菜, 我看了照片后,都想要流口水了! Well, my mummy can get to cook nice yummy meal man! Steamed dumpling, omelette wrapped with fish patty, my favourite satay, satay sauce & lastly chopped cucumbers and pineapples.

我妈咪的拿手好菜就是这道 Maggi Ketchup 螃蟹 (茄汁螃蟹) Maggi Ketchup Crabs 👍👍👍

My favourite sia!

家常便饭, 简单一餐😋 Home-cooked Dinner

金沙咸蛋黄虾 🦐 ,简单炒虾米佛手瓜🥣

我的最爱金沙咸蛋黄虾 🦐My favourite salted egg yolk prawns with curry leaves

家里就是最温暖 ❣️

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

全民Party App(免费卡拉OK App Free Karaoke App 用手机唱 Karaoke) 简单教你如何建立你自己的歌房点歌与朋友一起K歌,如何设定歌房密码 Teach you how to personalise your own Karaoke room & how to set password for your own Karaoke room

Love to sing Karaoke like me and love to go to Teo Heng, KTV party world or other Karaoke places to sing songs with friends one but then due to Covid-19, all entertainment venues temporary closed down. 喜欢唱 Karaoke 的你们,我就极力推荐免费线上卡拉OK App  '全民Party App' .  Well, I got to know this free Karaoke App from one of my best friend one de.


1. 教你如何建立你自己的歌房

Once you are inside the app, go to '我‘ (点击 ’我’)

Number 1 -  Choose your own ideal Karaoke Room

第二, 选择你想要的K歌模式
Number 2 -  Choose your own ideal Karaoke song mode (eg sing full song or chorus part)   

第三, 选择歌房的管理员

Number 3 - Choose your own members to be inside your Karaoke Room

添加自己的朋友 Add your own friends inside your own Karaoke Room

第四, 点歌权限

Number 4 - Can choose who  (Only 2 choices- All people or you and the members you have chosen) to choose the songs to sing in your own Karaoke room


2. 如何设定歌房间密码?  How to set password for your own Karaoke room

Go to 房间密码

 如何设定自己的密码。 How to set your own password to prevent other people you don't know to come to your Karaoke room.

3. 如何点歌和主持麦呢? How to choose songs to sing and how to be a  host?

Yes, in 全民Party App, besides singing, you can become a host too inside your own Karaoke room sia. so cool right?


Add caption

你也可以选择你唱歌还是主持的秩序 (点击⬆️ Up Arrow Button)

So many variety of songs (eg English, Chinese, Hokkien, Cantoense etc) songs to sing sia!

You can choose to just sing straight or to record your singing too!  你可以选择开始演唱还是演唱并录音。

最棒的是可以选择音效,调声音,伴奏等等。 The best of this app is you can choose to tune the volume of your singing, the volume of the  accompaniment etc.

4. 你录制的歌曲在哪里找? Where to find the songs you have recorded?
你录制的歌就在草稿箱里。 The songs you have recorded are all inside the 草稿箱

Here are the songs that I have sing and recorded man.

You also can get to share your song onto the social media like your own fb,ig or to your friends etc to hear your song that you sing.

5. 如何分享自己开的Karaoke 房给你的朋友亲戚等等,有两个方法可以使用。 How to share your own Karaoke room to your friends and relatives, got two methods to be used.

First method, go into the one (I drawn circle shown on the photo below)

第二个方法就是直接分享你的 ID 给你的朋友或亲戚,然后再叫他们加你就行了。The 2nd method is to share your own ID to your friend or relatives etc and ask them to add you in.

6. 如何跟朋友聊天 How to chat with your own friends?



好啦,就是这样啦。 希望大家开开心心在线上和自己的家人,朋友或亲戚一起唱歌。

Have a good time singing through online with your family, friends or relatives inside the 全民Party App!


Thursday, June 4, 2020

Restaurant City (Facebook Game)

Still remember this game called 'Restaurant City'? Haha yes I am still feeling so sad to know that this game had closed down permanently. Well, it was one of my most favourite game besides Pet Society and Country Story in facebook.

The beginning of the Year 1 during poly, I have been started playing the games for 3 years. Then, after that really getting lesser and lesser people playing the game including me but the game still considered one of my most favourite.

Bye Restaurant City!

Till now, I have not forgotten about this game!

From a small little restaurant, I began to committed into playing this game almost every night at home and to open the restaurant for almost everyday, earning money bit by bit then can get to buy more & more furnitures etc and to decorate my restaurant. I really thought that it was my real restaurant with customers coming in to eat for foods.


Last time, it was a small restaurant.

I been playing this game for almost 3 years and see how my business has gone. My restaurant getting bigger and bigger and I even got to build up a garden for outdoor dining and even a swimming pool too. 

Really felt so sad when this game had already gone on facebook!

Unlock for ingredients

I even got to play this Snake game (Arcade game) in Restaurant city too. So reminiscing this old childhood snake game man!

Yesterday 我们就像昨天一样过去了。



Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Tom & Jerry (My most favourite Childhood cartoon)

From a very young kid up till now, I had been watching almost every singles videos and never been sick of my favourite cartoon 'Tom & Jerry' Is dfefinitely one of my  most favourite cartoon shows.

Love it. I had also watched the movies too. Last time, my dad used to go to this CD shop which located at Lot 1 shopping mall basement 1 to rent the Tom & Jerry VCD for me and my sister to watch it. My sister and I used to watch the cartoon almost everyday man, so shiok! Life was really so carefree back then! I still remember the old version of the VCD/CD and they were in big size. They had alot alot of many funny episodes and I think I had watched almost every episodes.

Never Ending Episodes!


They also got to add in other funny characters as well, such as the dog, another mouse, duck etc etc.

It will always be so damm funny!!!

Never fail to make me laugh and sick of watching it. I still remember that last time when I had to travelled three hour by ferry trip from Langkawi back to Penang and then I was terribly sea-sicked and I really felt so terrble. Luckily at  that time, that was tv and the tv was showing Tom & Jerry show, surprisingly after watching the show did make me felt much better sia. Hahaha, this show somehow can heal me sia!

Ya, Tom& Jerry! If you never watched any episode before, then I really high recommended to watch at least once in your life time!  Haha