Monday, July 13, 2020

Explore Nami Island in Autumn Season & Taking very Instagrammabe photos 秋天必去韓國南怡島賞楓叶打卡与拍照

Back to blogging my 2018 Korea Trip (travel with my parents and the tour group (Hong Tai) for 8D7N) and then after our lunch, our tour-guide brought us to the Nami Island to explore.

Btw, I got to go during the Autumn Season (I went to Korea during Oct). So happy I can get to see beautiful maple leaves!  秋天必去韓國南怡島賞楓叶打卡与拍照哦!

Taking the ferry (about 10 min ride) to the Nami Island.

Let's Go! 一起賞楓叶去吧!
🍂 🍁



Taking Another photo again with the tree and the beautiful yellow colour maple leaves

韩剧冬季恋歌(裴勇俊、崔智友主演的)其中一个拍摄场地就是在南怡島啦!So don't missed taking photo with the The Winter Sonata Statue ( the main characters - Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo)

I love the pink red maple leaves!  So beautiful!
🍂 🍁🍂 🍁🍂 🍁

Lastly taking the ferry back. Nice blue clear sky and nice weather on that day! Yes, I have fall in love with the Autumn Season! Really love the cool weather in Korea.

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